NOTE: This post is not sponsored by Ray Sostre, After Dark Press, or Barnes and Noble.

Earlier this year, my author friend Ray Sostre sent me a copy of his book Queen of Darkness: The Prequel. I read it in one sitting. What he’s writing is a vampire romance based on the seven deadly sins: pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. On the other side of the coin, are the seven heavenly virtues: humility, charity, chastity, gratitude, temperance, patience, and diligence.

For transparency purposes, I’ve known Ray for about 14 years when we ran around the same circles in an online writing community. Some authors came out with books and lost momentum, while others, like Ray and I, were the last two standing. Life hit us both hard, but we were moving in the shadows, working on our craft as erotic fiction authors. Our constant communication about our stories and being truthful with one another has helped shape my storytelling and his.

To avoid giving too much away in the prequel, there are four main characters in the story: Lilyth Cavalho, the Mother of Evil; Rene Helsing, an experienced vampire slayer and Guardian Angel; Dietrich Hilaker, a Guardian Angel, and Brianna Lynn Thomas (a.k.a. Noctura), the Queen of Darkness. The lives of the former are changed when Noctura returns to Utah after learning of her destiny. What happens when Noctura returns to Utah? That’s all I can say about the book.

That’s it for today. Don’t forget to pick up a copy of Queen of Darkness: The Prequel as a stocking stuffer this holiday season for someone who loves erotica romance. I’ll see you in the next post!

Vlogmas Day 3 is now live!

About Author

Sharon is a single mom living in Chicago raising a daughter, Zora. When she has spare time, Sharon enjoys being around her family, shopping online at Amazon, reading a good book, binge-watching TV shows via various streaming services, and taking pictures with her camera. She abhors doing laundry and washing dishes.

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